Brian Watson

Board Member, Osprey Housing

Brian joined the Osprey Housing Moray Committee of Management in 2017, he was elected Chair of Osprey Housing in September 2024.

Brian has over 40 years’ experience in public sector Housing. Previous roles included senior positions in local government as Director of Housing & Property with the former Banff & Buchan District Council before becoming the First District Manager for Grampian, Highlands & Islands with the Governments former National Housing Agency, Scottish Homes, where he played a lead role in transferring SSHA housing to Cooperatives and providing development funding to Housing Associations. After short spells in the private construction & development sector, he returned to local government with Aberdeenshire Council in 2004 initially as a Housing Manager and latterly as Acting Head of Housing, a post he held for a year before retiring at the end of 2016.