Get Involved

Tenant Consultation, Participation & Feedback

We’re committed to involving tenants and residents in what we do and how we deliver our services.

By ‘involved’ we mean being able to influence decisions about the services you receive, and other issues affecting you, your home and the area where you live. Tenant involvement helps us make the right decisions, and enables us to identify and make any necessary changes and improvements to what we do or the way we do it.  The Group is committed to working with tenants to enable them to take part in, and influence, the decision making process on issues which affect them, their homes and the environment in which they live.


To support to the development of Tenant Participation the Group will:

  • Support members who wish to set up a Tenant Group in their area.
  • Ensure that all tenants of ours have equal access to the necessary information, training and support to enable them to make informed decisions and to participate fully.
  • Actively promote Tenants’ Organisations, the Register of Interested Tenants and individual tenants to become involved in the participation process.
  • Encourage Tenant Participation regarding proposals which will significantly affect the tenant, such as rent reviews or major works to their home or environment.

otra logo

Osprey Group have a Tenant Association (OTRA – Osprey Tenants and Residents Association) and actively encourages its tenants to engage with OTRA to discuss and organise matters in relation to where they live and the services we provide. OTRA are a Registered Tenant Organisation (RTO) which operates for Osprey tenants in the Aberdeenshire and Moray Areas. Essentially this is a group of tenants who are interested in Tenant Participation and meet on a regular basis throughout the year to help set the agenda for participation and address on-going issues which require discussion, debate and consultation.

Any tenant can join OTRA and the views of members are recognised as sample opinions of the general population of our tenants. Every effort will be made to expand the base of OTRA membership and engagement with under- represented groups is particularly sought. OTRA are pleased to be active members of North East Tenants Residents and Landlords Together (NETRALT). This is a partnership of social landlords working with tenants and residents to increase engagement throughout the North East. NETRALT received the Runner Up Award for TPAS Tenant Participation Champion of the Year 2013. More information on their activities and how to get involved via their facebook page -

OTRA members will receive training and guidance to fulfil their role. If you wish to become a member of OTRA please contact the group direct on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Or complete the get involved form here. Tenants wishing to raise a matter for the attention of the Panel can do so by contacting the Osprey office. Staff there will direct their query or comments to the Chairperson on the Panel


We are committed to consulting with tenants prior to any major decision being taken on proposals which may affect tenants, such as rent increases. Proposals made will be followed by a consultation periods allowing tenants time to respond with their views and comments. We will take account of tenants’ views and comments as part of their decision making process. Tenants will be advised of outcomes and be given reasons for the decision made. Consultation will take place in a variety of forms, such as:

  • Consultation Events
  • Comment Forms
  • Surveys
  • Questionnaires
  • Register of Interested Tenants
  • Tenant Group Meetings and Working Groups

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Feedback is crucial to help us improve services for tenants, please use this form to give as your thoughts.

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