Mike Scott

Board Member, Osprey Housing

Michael joined the Osprey Housing Board of Directors in 2006.

Michael spent almost 30 years in Local Government in Inverness, Angus and Aberdeen, nearly 25 as a Chief Officer, in various departments including Planning, Housing and Health & Social Care. In January 2006 he took early retirement and established himself as a management consultant/interim manager and has since followed his many and varied interests. Michael has had a long-standing interest in tackling fuel poverty and promoting energy efficiency. He is a Company Director of Scarf and Vice Chair of Aberdeen Heat & Power Ltd. Michael is also Chair of Scarf Enterprises (Scotland) Ltd and in addition he is on the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland and recently joined the Board of the Disabled Persons Housing Service (DPHS) in Aberdeen. Michael also served on the NHS Grampian Board for a number of years. He remains a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Housing and a Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute.