Works “Fairly” Progressing at Fair Isle Crescent

July 2024



Work is now well underway on our new Fair Isle Crescent Peterhead development with the site cleared, preparation groundworks completed, services installed, road set out and several of the initial foundations laid on 25 new build Affordable Homes.

Previously this area was owned by Deveron Homes who unfortunately went into receivership meaning the site was placed on the open market.  This was then purchased by CHAP Construction who had subsequent discussion with Osprey which has resulted in a new partnership to deliver these new much needed homes.  Completing the construction of this site also transforms an area overlooked by existing homes which had become a bit of a neglected open space eyesore.

These 25 new homes are set out in an excellent mix of:

8 No - 1 Bed flats

5 No - 2 Bed houses

1 No - 2 bed bungalow

10 No - 3 Bed houses

1 No - 4 Bed houses

This scheme is being delivered through Housing Association Grant support from More Homes Scotland (Scottish Government) with Osprey Housing funding the rest of the build costs.

The build programme is set to last a little over a year with the projected handover date set for June 2025 when (weather permitting) these properties should see new tenants and families moving in and becoming a part of the friendly, local community.